above is a scale rendering of what my new stage show looks like. lions directly from narnia, tamed by sigfried and roy... unicorn cloned from the fossil of a dragons belly unearthed in mesopotamia 300 years ago... retracting laser stage designed by the MCP (master control program from TRON), actual nuclear explosions projected in hologram form from a short film taken in the future... wardrobe and mic-wand designed by the creators of harry potter...
now it is possible some of these elements might not make it to every venue. we've been having a hard time finding unicorn food and the lion has been pretty much beaten in to a lifeless malaise by its wranglers (straight from barnum and baileys circus!), but still. shit is gonna be hot. im still waiting on like 5k from redbull though so there might be a redbull banner on stage too. i dont think it will take away from the vibe though.
anyway welcome to my new blog. not sure how much i care about it, but im pretty sure its not going to mean much.